2024 IDPA Club Championship Series


During the 2024 IDPA season, the Tri-County Sportsmen’s League will be holding a
Championship Series for our seven monthly Club matches. The Tier 3 Tri-County Sportsmen
Challenge, held in September, will not be part of this series.

Beginning with the March Club match and ending with the October Club match, you earn
points based on your finish in whatever division and class you shot at the match. In other words,
you can change divisions and classes during the season and still earn points. If we have more
than one session at a monthly match and you shoot each session in the same division/class, you
will receive points for the higher finish; if you shoot a different division/class in each session,
you will receive points for each finish.

Points are only earned in the following divisions and classes: BUG, CCP, CDP, CO, ESP,
PCC, REV, SSP, and DM, MA, EX, SS, MM, NV. You will need a current IDPA classification in
your shooting division to participate. You may shoot in the NFC division or UN class during a
monthly match, but you will not earn points for the Championship Series. The cost to shoot the
monthly match is the same whether or not you participate in the Championship Series.

Points are earned as follows based on your finish at each monthly match:

1st place in a division/class with at least two shooters: 50 points
1st place in a division/class with only one shooter: 45 points
2nd place in a division/class: 40 points
3rd place in a division/class: 30 points
4th place or lower in a division/class: 20 points

At the end of the season, the points will be totaled for all shooters to determine the top
three finishers of the Championship Series. Plaques will be given to the three people with the
highest total number of points among all shooters: 1st , 2nd , and 3rd places. In the event of a tie, the
tiebreaker will be based on who had the best overall number of division/class finishes, and, if
that does not break the tie, we will flip a coin or randomly draw names from a hat.

We will be posting the accumulated points per shooter before each Club match on this webpage

This will be the first time we are holding a Championship Series, and we hope it turns out
to be a fun event we can do every year.

Follow us on our Facebook page !

March IDPA Club Championship Results

April IDPA Club Championship Results

May IDPA Club Championship Results

June IDPA Club Championship Results

July IDPA Club Championship Results

August IDPA Club Championship Results

Final IDPA Club Championship Results