Welcome to IDPA at TCSL
What is IDPA?
IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) offers an action shooting sport that uses practical equipment with full charge service ammunition to solve simulated self-defense scenarios using practical handguns and holsters that are suitable for self-defense use. The main goal is to test the skill and ability of an individual.

UPDATE 05/10/23: We are no longer allowing appendix holsters in our monthly club matches.
We will still be allowing appendix holsters at the Tri-County Sportsmen Challenge.
For all matches you must register and pay using Practiscore.
Follow us on our Facebook page!
2024 IDPA Schedule
Date | Event |
Sat, March 23 | TCSL Monthly Match |
Sat, April 27 | TCSL Monthly Match |
Sat, May 25 | TCSL Monthly Match |
Sat, June 22 | TCSL Monthly Match |
Sat, July 27 | TCSL Monthly Match |
Sat, Aug 24 | TCSL Monthly Match |
Fri-Sun, Sept 13-15 | Tri County Sportsmens Challenge |
Sat, Oct 26 | TCSL Monthly Match |
2024 Season at TCSL
Additional Divisions For The Upcoming IDPA Season.
Hello Tri-County IDPA Shooters,
The new season is rapidly approaching and we hope you are looking forward to it as much as we are, despite the challenges of Covid and the current availability of ammo.
Although Covid is out of our control, and we will continue to follow all safety protocols, we have decided to make the following division changes to try and preserve everyone’s ammo.
We will be adding 3 more divisions using 22 caliber ammo. These divisions will be
- 22 Revolver
- 22 Pistol
- 22 Auto Rifle
All of the current regular IDPA rules will apply to these additional divisions.
Please contact Earl Austin ([email protected]) (734-645-3267) if you have any questions about these new divisions.
Registration for our March 23rd match opens in Practiscore on February 29th at 5:00PM.
Looking forward to seeing everybody on the range.
- New IDPA Rulebook was effective December 14, 2023!!
- TCSL offers IDPA matches every 4th Saturday (March – October)
- Start Times are 10:00 am and 1:00 pm Except for March. Start time in March is 11:00 am
- Go to our Registration Page to sign up for a squad.
- Intro to IDPA classes will be offered in April, and June
- Classifier sessions will be offered by APPOINTMENT ONLY during our Tuesday IDPA practices. To set a classifier appointment, please email Earl Austin at [email protected]
- Practice sessions are weekly on Tuesday evenings, starting on April 23rd. The last practice for 2024 will be late August. Setup begins at 5PM and shooting starts at 6PM. Cost is $5 unless you have an action range pass holders.
Come out and try IDPA!
- New shooters and spectators are always welcome! Bring a handgun suitable for self defense, 150 rounds of ammunition, a belt-mounted holster that covers the trigger guard, concealment garment, and at least 3 magazines to join the fun.
- Tri-County IDPA serves shooters from across South-Eastern Michigan, including Ann Arbor, Saline, Ypsilanti, Milan, Manchester, and beyond.
Become an IDPA Safety Officer!
- The volunteers who help run and officiate these matches make all this possible! Thank you for all your help.
- We appreciate any help, or if you would like to take the next step and become a certified IDPA SO, classes are offered at various IDPA clubs in SE Michigan.
- In order to become a Safety Officer the applicant must be at least 21 years old, have shot at least 6 matches, and been a member of IDPA for at least 6 months.
- Contact Martin Clifford if you are interested in becoming a Safety Officer