RULES: The 2025 TCSL IDPA Club Championship Series will be a team event comprised of two-person teams. There will be two Series Divisions: Optics and Iron Sights. Each member of the team has to shoot in the same Series Division that month but can be any classification or no classification. Examples: one team member is PCC/SS and the other team member is CO/MM, or one team member is SSP/EX and the other team member is CCP/UN. The same two people remain on the team for the season, and both have to shoot during the same monthly match to earn points, even if they shoot in different sessions and squads. Teams can change Series Divisions during the season. Example: compete in the Optics Division in March and in the Iron Sights Division in April. Teams, however, can only compete in one Division Series per month.
POINTS: Teams receive points based on the average of their accumulated points down per monthly match. If the team members compete in both monthly sessions, their best points down will be counted. If one team member competes in both monthly sessions, but the other team member competes in only one session that month, the best points down score for the first team member will be counted along with the points of the other teammate. The team in each Series Division (Optics and Iron Sights) with the lowest average accumulated points down that month comes in first place, the next lowest average comes in second place, etc. Only the top five teams in each Series Division (Optics and Iron Sights) receive points: First place 30 points; second place 25 points; third place 20 points; fourth place 15 points; and fifth place 10 points.
NOTICE: Before each monthly match email [email protected] with the names of the two team members and in which Series Division (Optics or Iron Sights) the team will compete. Send the email after registering for the match. If we don’t get the email before the match, we can’t give you points.
AWARDS: At season’s end, there will be a team winner in the Optics Division and a team winner in the Iron Sights Division based on the most accumulated points. Both members of each team will receive a plaque noting that they are the Team Series Winner of the Optics Division or the Team Series Winner of the Iron Sights Division. If there’s a tie, the tiebreaker will be coin flip or a random drawing from a hat.